!NEW! Opel bets on Rüsselsheim location

  • Dr. Thomas Sedran welcomes commercial real estate developer in Rüsselsheim
  • Commitment to the site and for the joint development of the old Opel plant
  • Acquisition of the Adam Opel house as a sign of solidarity with the city

Dr. Thomas Sedran, Deputy Managing Director, Adam Opel AG, welcomed yesterday the room A1 at the historic former Opel factory premises around 100 participants of the 5th German Commercial Real Estate Summit, currently taking place in Wiesbaden. The evening event in Rüsselsheim was dominated by the historic site, which aims to develop the project developer acrest to "Opel Forum" as an attractive new center of Rüsselsheim downtown.

"Our planned brand and Classical World in the Opel forum will be more than a museum. We show our rich vintage and classic collection, and let 150 years of history to life, "said Dr. Thomas Sedran. "The Opel brand and classical music world is embedded in the proposed shopping center by a private investor with a vintage center" Auto ", a research campus and a lot more. A promising symbiosis, "said Dr. Thomas Sedran further.

The union of Adam Opel AG had to Rüsselsheim, said Dr. Thomas Sedran, a concrete investment result. The house at the Adam Opel Rüsselsheim Rugby ring since the beginning of completely passed into the possession of Adam Opel AG. The company made an early exercise its option to purchase the previously leased buildings. "The acquisition is a clear commitment to Rüsselsheim. For over 150 years, is the heart of the brand, "says Dr. Thomas Sedran.

The Adam Opel Haus is located since 1998 the headquarters of Opel. Besides the board here the central areas have their offices. These include the departments of sales and marketing, HR, finance and logistics.

The building was designed by the renowned London architects Building Design Partnership in close proximity to the International Technical Development Center (ITDC). It was created on a land area of ​​30,000 square meters. Distributed over five floors usable office space is 21,000 square meters.

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