!NEW! Opel Ampera Braves Freezing Temperatures on Frozen Baltic Sea

Test drives on ice crossings in Estonia underscore winter suitability

Snow covered streets and icy roads are not uncommon in some European countries right now. In Estonia temperatures fall so low that parts of the Baltic Sea can be driven over on up to 50 days a year. This is unique in Europe. Opel now used the frozen Baltic Sea to prove the Ampera’s everyday suitability with a number of teams of journalists. The vehicles covered hundreds of kilometers without a hitch – impressive proof of the Ampera’s winter capabilities. Thanks to the constant battery temperature control system, even freezing temperatures are not a problem for Europe’s best selling electric vehicle.

From ice cover thickness of at least 25 centimeters cars can drive over the socalled ice crossings and so reach islands without having to use a ferry. On a number of stretches up to ten kilometers long, the Ampera proved that electric mobility isn’t stopped by cold. The car can run on pure battery electric propulsion at temperatures down to minus ten degrees.

When temperatures are even lower, the range extending gasoline engine supports the electric motor. In cold weather, the battery is preheated during charging to provide a full power capability. This preserves it during starting and benefits the battery’s capacity. Standard auxiliary heating warms the cabin, ensuring additional comfort and sparing the driver the tedious task of scraping ice off the car.

The Opel Ampera is electrically driven at all times. A unique 16 kWh lithium-ion battery pack feeds an advanced, 111 kW/150 hp electric drive unit to deliver between 40 and 80 km of pure electric operation with zero emissions – depending on terrain, driving technique and temperature – when fully charged. According to the official R(EC) 715/2007 regulation for measuring fuel consumption and COemissions, the Ampera consumes 1.2 l/100 km fuel and emits 27 g/km CO2. Instant torque of 370 Nm enables zero to 100 km/h acceleration in under ten seconds and a top speed of 161 km/h. The Ampera offers a unique driving experience in battery operation, delivering nearly silent electric drive and a highly refined NVH performance even in extended range drive mode.


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