!NEW! GM and Opel Management meet German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel

From left: Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, Chairman of the Management Board of Adam Opel AG and President General Motors Europe, Steve Girsky, Deputy Chairman of the GM Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Adam Opel AG, German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel , Daniel F. Akerson, GM Chairman & CEO as well as Ronald Pofalla, Chief of the German Chancellery.

German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel and Chief of the German Chancellery Ronald Pofalla today welcomed a delegation of GM Executives led by CEO Dan Akerson. Akerson was accompanied by Steve Girsky, Deputy Chairman of the GM Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Adam Opel AG, by Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, Chairman of the Management Board of Adam Opel AG and President General Motors Europe, as well as Joachim Koschnicke, Vice President Public Policy at Adam Opel AG.

General Motors informed Chancellor Merkel about the deliberations that took place during the strategy conference (BOD) held from April 9 -11, 2013 in Germany. Focus was on the progress in implementing Opel’s ten-year plan “DRIVE!2022” as well as on the difficult environment in Europe. Another important topic was General Motors’ clear commitment to Germany and to Opel.

“GM and Opel have been together since 1929 and will stay together. And together we will also return to profitability in Europe. We have the strategy. We have the team. We have the cars. Germany is and remains the home and the backbone of Opel,” said Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann after the meeting with the Chancellor. 

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