!NEW! Israeli ambassador visits Opel

  • Ambassador Yakov Hadas-Handelsman meet Opel CEO Karl-Thomas Neumann
  • Israel plays important role in the Opel export offensive 
Israeli Ambassador in Germany Yakov Hadas-Handelsman (left) and Opel CEO, Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann
The Israeli Ambassador in the Federal Republic of Germany, Yakov Hadas-Handelsman has met yesterday to exchange information with the Opel CEO, Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, as well as the Opel Vice President of Public Policy, Joachim Koschnicke. The focus of the talks was the commitment of Opel in the Israeli automobile market. The Ambassador was accompanied by the director of the Israel Trade Center, Hemdat Sagi.

The Ambassador also briefed about the company's strategy for sustainable mobility. This included a test drive the Ampera, the first fully electric vehicle for everyday use on the European market. Was rounded off the visit with a tour of the Rüsselsheim car production and the Opel classic car collection.

Israel is in the Opel export drive has an important place. Already in 2011, Opel has multiplied together with the new importer of Israeli Shlomo Group, the Opel brand in the Israeli market and reorganized the sales from the previous year. In 2012 already around 5,000 new vehicles were sold to Israel. The Opel models are marketed in Israel so far in seven locations, an eighth location was opened in April in Jerusalem.

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