!NEW! Opel in the first quarter of 2013: Growth in market share in the Czech and Slovak Republic and in All Europe

  • Opel begins attack the second position of the European passenger car market
  • Progress of orders promises continued strengthening brand position
  • Clearly declared support from GM increases client confidence

Opel ADAM 
While the vast majority of "bulk" of competing brands losing their positions Opel in Europe, on the contrary reinforces: During the first quarter in Europe (EU + EFTA) sold 209,000 cars Opel, which makes Opel increased its market share to 6.7% and confirms Already last year, started the campaign for the position of "twos" European passenger car market. "From the fifth place, we have to work through the end of last year through the French competition to the third position - and now literally breathe on his back yet another Ford," says Pavel Šilha, Managing Director Czech and Slovak representation of Opel.

Opel thrive and grow market share in a declining domestic market. "In the Passenger Cars + Light Commercial Vehicles segment during the first quarter we increased market share of 2.41%, an increase of 24% compared to the same period of 2012," says Josef Šopík, sales director of Opel in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. "We are confident that we will maintain this trend in the coming months as each month registering a higher order."

Opel Mokka SUV
The positive results of Opel in the Czech Republic and Europe have the greatest merit attractive models, which recently swelled into production and is now beginning to fully promote the sales statistics. Literally hit as the Opel Mokka compact SUV, which has only a few months after the launch to his credit already over 100,000 orders. "Great attention is also drawn to the extremely adaptable minimodel ADAM ai responses to Cascada convertible promise a decent income," says director Šilha sales results Opel models. "Personally, I much promise from approaching motor coaching - in most of our models appear completely new diesel and gasoline engines, whose parameters are the absolute top of what is today's automotive market to buy!"

It is hard to measure, but in daily contact with customers is quite obvious trend of building confidence in the brand. "A clear declaration of full support for Opel by parent company General Motors coupled with huge investment in the development and production apparently calmed the situation and restore the confidence of clients," says Pavel Šilha. GM two weeks ago announced that in the coming years to invest in Opel model offensive 4 billion Euros , making the German automaker will present in 2016 a total of 23 new models and 13 new engines. And yesterday, GM "throwing" an additional investment of 230 million Euros to build a new testing capabilities in its European design center in Rüsselsheim, Germany, and the nearby test track Dudenhofen.

"General Motors needs a strong presence in Europe in the design, development, production and sales - and Opel in this respect is a key factor in our success and has our full support," does not admit any doubt Dan Akerson, chairman and CEO of General Motors.

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