!NEW! Opel sent "Germany's Next Top Model" contestant to the desert

Lifestyle Streaker star in the new commercial with candidate Lovelyn

Model Lovelyn Enebechi with new Opel ADAM
High voltage in yesterday's broadcast of "Germany's Next Top Model": The eight remaining candidates do their best to grab the lead in the new commercial for the Opel ADAM. Director Tim Loehr makes an exact image of mutability of the candidates. In three different "gangs" have the "Germany's Next Top Model" hopefuls set with a ADAM Scene: Tough and agile as "Sporty gear" with the ADAM SLAM, elegant and graceful as a "fashion path" in fancy dress to match the ADAM GLAM and dance-clock safe in "Music Program" for ADAM JAM. The winner of the casting: the 16-year-old Lovelyn Enebechi.

As in the casting is also in the new ad the versatility of "Germany's Next Top Model" contestant asked finally Individuality is the new Opel ADAM program. The agency Scholz & Friends created for Opel as the official broadcast partner of a spot in the Lovelyn dressed appropriately for each ADAM variation always passes through the California desert. Where "driving" is an understatement, as the clip shows. The spot can be seen since last night on YouTube and Facebook, and is shown in the context of the show on TV. From mid-May, he also comes in German movie theaters.

Opel is the second time after 2012, official partner of the Pro7 show "Germany's Next Top Model". Even before the eighth season Opel had switched advertising and sponsorship spots that show as the ADAM stylish partner for young, fashion-conscious motorists. To accompany the fans of the show on the Internet a lot of information to ADAM. Under the motto "Win Your ADAM" all interested parties on the proprietary website www.opeladam.de easily configure their personal lifestyle racer. Take it to win the grand prize - and part of the weekly lottery with attractive prizes - their individual Opel ADAM. In addition, the website provides extensive information about Adam and his three worlds Equipment ADAM JAM, ADAM and ADAM GLAM SLAM available.

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